
State Archive

Protecting Texans From ObamaCare

Stop ObamaCare! An increasingly important role for the states is to serve as a bulwark against federal overreach and encroachment. Taking that role seriously is State Rep. Jonathan Stickland, who has authored legislation giving state tax credits to businesses fined...

Capriglione Champions Transparency

Support Transparency! Freshman State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione is making good on his promise to increase transparency in state government. His first two bills as a state legislator are focused on strengthening financial disclosure requirements and shining more light...

Rep. Villalba the Official 1st RINO of the 83rd Texas Legislature

We have the first raising of the white flag by a RINO in the 83rd session of the Texas Legislature. The dubious honor goes to: newly elected, Kay Bailey Hutchison-crowd-backed, state rep from Dallas, Jason Villalba. Villalba, when not raising the RINO flag of...


Villalba: GOP Will Warm to Obamacare

While U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott made unraveling Obamacare central to their 2012 activities, a freshman Republican state representative from Dallas described opposition as "posturing" and says his party—and Gov. Rick Perry—will be more...


House (Speaker) Rules

Conservatives looking for a decentralization of the House Speaker’s power are likely feeling empty-handed by today’s rules changes. The few positive changes were overshadowed by what some are describing as a defeat for conservatives seeking to decentralize power from...


Legislative Games?

Could someone author, co-author, sponsor or co-sponsor legislation only to try to kill it quietly? That’s the claim made on the House floor today by a senior Democratic lawmaker. During debate on the House Rules, State Rep. Bill Zedler (R-Arlington) introduced an...


Tax Branch of GOP

While Texas' governor and lieutenant governor have been talking about cutting taxes this session, one of the House Speaker's key lieutenants is throwing cold water on the idea. He says lawmakers should be focused more on spending the state's newfound revenues. This is...


Tax Rules

While the rules and procedures of a legislative body can be sleep-inducing, their impact on the legislative process cannot be overstated. In the coming days, the Texas House will be debating the rules under which they will operate during the 83rd session. Three...

Bad-Tax Bill

Texas' tax on business is inefficient, burdensome and complicated, and brings in very little in the way of revenues. While conservatives want the tax eliminated or vastly reformed, the Texas Association of Business wants to keep it like it is. Problem is the tax is...