
State Archive

Investment or Bloat?

State agencies have spent months cutting their spending to help preserve Texas’ fiscal integrity. The Texas House is increasing the number of its committees. Is this budget bloat or a wise legislative investment? One new committee is focused on government reform, the...

Hiding Behind Kids & Teachers

As lawmakers unveiled the first draft of the 2012-2013 state budget, liberal advocacy groups wasted no time threatening teachers with the axe. Is slashing classroom spending really where to start in budget savings? Perhaps, if your primary goal is to defend government...

Protecting Taxpayers

State Representative Tim Kleinschmidt has joined the ranks of other state officials pledging to oppose tax increases. This especially important as lawmakers start to work on a tight budget amid calls for new revenues. Empower Texans / Texans for Fiscal Responsibility...

LBB’s Good, Bad & Laughable

The Legislative Budget Board recently published their recommendations to close the budget shortfall. While some suggestions will please conservatives, many others will leave them shaking their heads. For those unfamiliar, the LBB is a permanent joint committee of the...

Budget Shortfall Blown Out of Proportions!

I’m sure that you’ve all heard of the “Blame America First” crowd, but have you heard of the “Tear Texas Down” crowd? These people have emerged as a result of the recession and rather than acknowledge that a 9.4 percent unemployment is more attributable to four years...

Prudent Spending Will Keep Texas Healthy

Tax-and-spend liberals would have us believe that all music, joy and laughter will fade away unless legislators hike spending and raise taxes. As we wait for the introduction of the 2012-2013 budget this evening, we can expect liberals will flow forth with tales of...

Balanced Budget Without New Taxes

Today the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute proposed their roadmap for how lawmakers might go about balancing the state budget without raising taxes, keeping us competitive and helping ensure economic growth in the future. It's no secret that due to...

Campaign Promises Matter

There's a saying, "to make policy, you have to win politically" - and that is what conservatives did with distinction on November 2nd of last year. What's yet to be seen is if the platform of limited government, less spending, and no new taxes championed by so many of...

Majority Decision

Political contests shouldn't be about personalities, but rather focused on policy outcomes; we are talking about the business and future of Texas, after all. Ironically, the first business of the House of this 82nd Legislature might be more about the people than the...