
State Archive

Casino Gambling: California Here We Come?

Texas Democrats are continuing their march to bring full-scale casino gambling to the Lone Star State. In a recent article, Empower Texans discussed whether casino gambling would be a “no-new-taxes” proposition. Since it’s clear there will be a concentrated effort to...

Obama’s War on Texas escalates

I believe I was among the first to notice a specific War on Texas, as I termed it, from the Obama Administration. Just after the Leftist ideologue took office, various Federal regulatory agencies began to descend upon Texas. At first these raids on Texas only made...

Transparency Saves Money

Transparency is good policy, on its face. Given how much taxpayers are charged for the cost of government, we should get a chance to view the receipt. Texas has led the nation in state-level expenditure transparency, and Comptroller Susan Combs reports the savings...

Bill White’s Sloppy Homework

Last week Bill White, the Democratic candidate for governor, issued a press release on the state of public education in Texas. His campaign quoted an Empower Texans critique that "Texas taxpayers are 'not getting our money's worth' in Texas' education system."...

Sunset On A Bad Relationship?

Legislative liberals are howling like scorned lovers over the appointment of Republican State Rep. Larry Taylor to the Sunset Commission. The Democratic Caucus is indignant, saying House Speaker Joe Straus isn't providing the "inclusiveness" and "parity" they say he...


Communism’s European Facelift has Gone Bad Part 3

In part two of this series we discussed the childishness of socialism. It's also deadly. The Soviet Union showed us that strong poison kills quickly. Greece is showing us that diluted poison kills less quickly, but kills nonetheless. The Obama Administration is trying...

Trailer for Sale or Rent

This week, the Texas AFL-CIO held a press conference to offer Gov. Rick Perry, and the First Lady of Texas, use of a "single-wide" manufactured home they had hauled to their parking lot and placed on cinder blocks in downtown Austin. While reasonable people may...

What’s so wrong with Patrick Rose

Despite recent claims to the contrary, HD 45 erstwhile Democratic representative is no friend to Texas taxpayers or Texas business. And yes, it's true - Speaker Joe Straus, a Republican from San Antonio, lent his name and presence to a fundraiser for Rose last week in...

David Sibley: Dances With Democrats?

Former Republican state Sen. David Sibley is in a runoff election to get back his old job in the Texas Senate. But there's a problem. After he left office in 2003, to become a lobbyist, he made a habit of contributing to very liberal Democrats. It's not uncommon for...