
State Archive

Eltife Carries Obama’s Water, Until 2012

Senator Kevin Eltife was in Austin yesterday rehashing his failed effort to raise taxes last session. That's an interesting move in these political times. Here's the quick summary of the fight. During the session $555 million in Unemployment Insurance stimulus funds...

Arizona’s SB 1070

So I'm sure this is going to ruffle some feathers, but I both approve and disapprove of Arizona's SB 1070. I understand that this may be confusing, but though I agree that this bill is a step in the right direction, I do not think it will end up accomplishing much....

MALC holds kangaroo court in state Capitol

Yesterday, the Mexican American Legislative Caucus held a "hearing" at the state Capitol on the social studies curriculum standards that were approved in March by the State Board of Education. Jonathan Saenz has his report from yesterday's hearing here (you should add...

Beware The Broadband Boondoggle

It seems almost quaint, that $434 hammer from the Pentagon’s procurement scandal of the 1980s. Taxpayers were outraged by the revelation that federal bureaucrats spent hundreds of dollars for everyday items found at a fraction of the cost at a local hardware store. As...


Build It and They Will Pay

State wide area transit authorities have been making headlines for their poor budgeting and planning. That means they are operating business as usual and taxpayers are going to be left holding the bill. Last week it was Houston’s Metro taking some deserved heat for...

TCEQ and public school budgets

The headline: School budgets hanging on TCEQ decision. The story from the Austin newspaper goes on to explain that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has a decision to make which “could strike a major blow to the budgets of many school districts that will...

Great improvements at the State Capitol

A few hours ahead of Van Taylor's official swearing-in, the State Preservation Board is on top of things: A great day in the Texas House of Representatives, to be sure.

Big House Improvement

With very little fanfare, Texans will today have a markedly more ethical, and a significantly more conservative, state House. Two new members of the legislature are being sworn in, filling vacancies and improving the body. One is a Democrat with a working ethical...

Fiscal-conservatives in the House?

Ever the advocates for all-out-government growth no matter what, Dick Lavine of the Center for Public Policy Priorities, was quoted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram as saying: "Either we're going to have to shut down some of these exemptions, or we're going to have to...