
State Archive

Red-Light Red-Ink

Red-Light cameras are all the rage among cool cities with big budgets, using hi-tech to nab drivers who illegally coast (or fly) through intersections. Critics have maintained the cameras violate civil liberties and amount to a cash-grab by cities. Proponents tell us...

Serving Texas

Serving in the Texas Legislature is no picnic; lawmakers get $600, with the responsibility for governing a state that is the 8th largest economy in the world and nearly 24 million people. And it is done for less pay and perks that most city's offer their councilmen....

Texas Governments Awash in Cash While You Pinch Pennies

While most Texans are struggling to keep up, the state reported today that cities are reaping a 9.2% increase in sales tax collecitions over last year. Even as inflation plagues Texas families, it produces more sales tax revenue so maybe local governments should...

A Conversation With Ken Paxton

One of the strongest conservatives in the Texas Legislature is Ken Paxton of McKinney. On issue after issue, he stands as one of the true heroes and champions of individual liberty, free markets, and right thinking. I had the opportunity to address a conservative...

Could They All Be Right?

Media reports are playing up an apparent conflict between the legislative leadership and the governor on transportation funding. Put simply, the Lt. Governor, Speaker, and House and Senate budget chairmen are calling on the mismanaged TxDOT to go into debt to pay for...

Liberals: Let The Kids Rot…

Radical liberals controlling the state’s “teacher” unions and their allies boldly stepped forward to slam the door shut on kids who are so failed by public education that the kid (predominantly poor and minority) drops out. Rather than giving other types of...

A $90 Million Tax Cut

With a stroke of the pen, Texas' economy is getting a much-needed $90 million tax cut. Nearly 400,000 businesses around the state will find the tax cut frees up resources for job creation, capital investment and operating stability. The action by Gov. Rick Perry puts...

Ignoring Fred

I cannot believe I almost let this happy note pass by in the excitement of Randy Dunning making the run-off for the HD112 race. The people of the 112th told their outgoing rep, Fred Hill, that his input wasn't needed. As you know, the retiring Fred Hill carried the...