UPDATED with information about unconfirmed reports regarding a complaint filed with the Texas House.

While rumors and innuendo do circle around the Texas Capitol, a lawyer representing State Rep. Bryan Slaton (R–Royse City) issued a statement announcing he had been retained “in a matter relating to a possible complaint filed against [the lawmaker] with the Texas House Ethics Committee.”

Rockwell attorney Patrick Short issued a statement Monday morning confirming he would be representing Slaton.

There is no “ethics” committee in the Texas House; complaints regarding lawmakers’ actions in office are handled by the Committee on General Investigating, chaired by Andrew Murr (R–Junction).

“We are aware of outrageous claims circulating online by second-tier media that make false claims against Representative Slaton,” stated Patrick Short. “As a result, he has been advised to forward all inquiries in this matter—including any that may relate to a possible complaint—to his legal counsel.”

While rumors have swirled since the middle of last week, no one claiming to have firsthand knowledge has stepped forward with facts. It has been reported that a complaint has been made regarding an inappropriate relationship with an intern, though no sources have been named.

Slaton was scheduled to offer more than 20 amendments on Thursday to the state’s biennial budget on a variety of conservative issues, but he withdrew them at the last minute and was absent from floor business.

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