When Allen Vaught accidentally became the state representative for House District 107, everyone knew it would be a huge loss for taxpayers there and statewide. His term in office has only served to prove everyone right. The incumbent, conservative Bill Keffer, was the collateral damage in voters’ repudiation of county-level and national Republican leaders.
Bill Keffer is the conservative gold standard for the Texas Legislature. He stood resolute against the business tax imposed by his brother, also a member of the Legislature. On issue after issue before the Texas House, Bill Keffer’s service was marked by a devotion to taxpayer protection, a commitment to liberty, and a desire to do what is right without regard to the cost.
Vaught, on the other hand, marches distinctly out of step with Texas’ taxpayers. He scored a 24 percent on the Texans for Fiscal Responsibility Index, putting him in the bottom 10% of the House.
Allen Vaught has been as bad for Texas as Bill Keffer has been good. Keffer is running a strong, issues-based campaign. The Empower Texans PAC endorsed Keffer, and look forward to seeing him once again rise to the defense of liberty on the floor of the Texas House.