The Texas Gun Rights PAC released their list of endorsements as the 2024 Primary Election draws closer.
TXGR endorsed both Brandon Herrera and Julie Clark for the Texas Congressional District 23 seat.
TXGR also endorsed a number of House candidates throughout Texas.
- Brent Money is running for the currently vacant seat in House District 2, east of Dallas.
- Tom Glass is challenging State Rep. Stan Gerdes (R-Smithville) for House District 17, east of Austin.
- Kyle Biedermann is challenging State Rep. Ellen Troxclair (R-Lakeway) for House District 19, west of Austin.
- David Covey is challenging State Rep. and current House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) for House District 21 in East Texas.
- Matthew Morgan is challenging State Rep. Jacey Jetton (R-Richmond) for House District 26, west of Houston.
- Katrina Pierson is challenging State Rep. Justin Holland (R-Heath) for House District 33, east of Dallas.
- Wesley Virdell is vying for the open seat left by State Rep. Andrew Murr (R-Junction) for House District 53 in West Texas.
- Mike Olcott is challenging State Rep. Glenn Rogers (R-Graford) for House District 60, west of Fort Worth.
- Andy Hopper is challenging State Rep. Lynn Stucky (R-Sanger) for House District 64, northwest of Fort Worth.
- Mitch Little is challenging State Rep. Kronda Thimesch (R-Lewisville) for House District 65 in North DFW.
- Wayne Richard is challenging State Rep. Matt Shaheen (R-Plano) for House District 66, north of Dallas.
- Abraham George is challenging State Rep. Candy Noble (R-Lucas) for House District 89, northeast of Dallas.
- David Lowe is challenging State Rep. Stephanie Klick (R-Fort Worth) for House District 91, north of Fort Worth.
- Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington) is running for re-election unopposed for House District 94, east of Fort Worth.
- Barry Wernick is challenging State Rep. Morgan Meyer (R-Dallas) for House District 108 in Dallas.
- Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park) is running for re-election for House District 128, east of Houston.
TXGR also endorsed Republican Nathan Buchanan for Bexar County Sheriff and Republican Michelle Evans for Williamson County Chair.
TXGR President Chris McNutt told Texas Scorecard the organization is dedicated to electing candidates who promote the right to bear arms.
“Texas Gun Rights is committed to identifying candidates who pledge an unwavering commitment to protecting, defending, and restoring gun rights in the state of Texas,” McNutt said. “We plan to make sure banning dangerous ‘red flag’ gun confiscation laws and pushing back against radical Biden gun control are a top priority this primary season and on into November.”
The full Texas Gun Rights voter guide and endorsements list can be found here.
The Primary Election is March 5, 2024.