Public Education

When an Increase is a Cut

When an Increase is a Cut

For more than thirty years, official education policy has been “more money means better education.” And taxpayers have dutifully increased spending by a whopping percentage; per pupil spending on public education has doubled just over the last decade. Of course, they...


Part Four: Venturing Capital With Taxpayer Money

Since the Harris County Department of Education hasn’t been in charge of managing public schools for over 90 years, it’s had to find another way to spend its taxpayer funds: investing in for-profit businesses. Apparently, venture capitalism is one of the many...


Part Two: The Obsolete Operations of the HCDE

The Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) represents exactly the kind of obsolete and financially inefficient government entity that has plagued our public education system for years. It’s one of only two departments of its kind left in Texas, providing only...


Congratulations Dripping Springs!

Congratulations, Dripping springs! You stood up to the big spenders in your local school district that wanted to raise your taxes to the maximum allowed by law. By rejecting that idea by a 3-1 margin, you are an example to all the edu-crats looking to continue...


Part One: Duplicating Government in Harris County

Harris County taxpayers have been unwittingly paying for the same service from different governmental entities for years. On top of paying taxes for their local school district, they’ve been funding $16 million in taxes to the Harris County Department of Education...

Latest school finance battle opens

And so it begins. Seven school districts have joined in this first official volley in the latest battle over school finance in Texas.  The very most basic argument made by the plaintiffs in the suit is that the school finance system in Texas is unconstitutional.  I...

Can our public school administrators be trusted?

This is becoming a theme on Pratt on Texas: Are Texas public school administrators honest with parents, students and taxpayers? Take for example the no-pass, no-play rules demanded by Texans of every stripe years ago. One of my big school district inside sources has...

Are school boards powerless in Texas?

Michael Quinn Sullivan of posted on his Facebook: “The AP is reporting that SAT reading scores have dropped to new low. We've doubled per-pupil spending in Texas, yet test scores are declining. Who'd have imagined that?! Just waiting for the...