Public Education

The Guy That Raises Taxes

The Guy That Raises Taxes

It’s not often a Republican primary race for the Texas House gets this clear of a distinction. One candidate is a proven taxpayer champion, the other has admitted he’s “the guy that raises taxes.” The bad news is that the guy who raises taxes has lots of family money...

Seeking a Broader Solution Than ‘Spend More’

The ‘Save Texas Schools’ rally held on the south steps of the Texas Capitol today was not as innocuous as it sounds.  We can all agree that work needs to be done to improve schools in Texas - but the individuals supporting today’s event have made clear that they see...

Spending On Stadium TVs

Spending On Stadium TVs

Apparently times aren't so tough when public schools are buying new flat-screen TVs to hang in the locker rooms and weight rooms of a newly remodeled football stadium. Just ask Glen Rose ISD (which is, of course, suing the state for more "education" money). The...

Educrats Emerge In Primary Races

Primary season is finally, officially under way, and I've started going through and looking at the Republican primary candidates in the Texas House races.  We're looking at a pretty full cycle, what with open seats, Tea Party challengers, and a bumper crop of educrats...

Going to the movies in Dallas ISD

Dallas ISD has a long, strange history of problems.  From the credit card scandal, the fake Social Security number scandal, last summer's drop-in-the-bucket $86,000 Chick-Fil-A issue,  and now this story about a movie theater field trip that cost taxpayers...


Miscellaneous Waste in Elgin Middle School

How many breakfast tacos does it take to raise test scores? That’s a question parents should be asking Elgin Middle School administrators. They’ve been siphoning funds designated for educational expenses in order to feed themselves and their staff, while the district...

New school lawsuit doesn’t assume money is the only issue

Now this is more like it.  A lawsuit about Texas schools that focuses on what’s wrong, instead of how to throw more money at the system: The lawsuit represents a new angle on the funding issue — one that focuses not on whether the state adequately pays for schools but...

Testing Champion

Testing Champion

Suddenly it's fashionable to be against the ridiculously expensive state-imposed public school testing regimen. Let's not forget that just a year ago the House education committee wouldn’t even take a vote on a cash-saving proposal by taxpayer champion and State Rep....

iWaste in Fort Bend ISD


iWaste in Fort Bend ISD

The Fort Bend ISD School Board recently announced plans spend an appalling $18 million to give 2nd through 8th graders iPads in lieu of traditional textbooks. Do they expect taxpayers to ignore their role as lead plaintiff in one of the school finance lawsuits?...


Fiesta Time in Denton?

Bureaucrats at Denton ISD would have you believe that the district never had any budget issues, had superior instructional spending rates, and never even considered joining one of the state finance lawsuits, given the district just approved a new Mariachi program for...