A new television ad released today in Susanna Dokupil’s race to unseat pro-abortion liberal Republican State Rep. Sarah Davis (West University Place) Gov. Greg Abbott highlights his commitment to those he has endorsed this cycle.
In the 30-second spot, Dokupil opens up by admonishing the legislature’s failure to pass meaningful property tax reform and identifies Davis as “part of the problem.” The ad then goes on to highlight her endorsement by Abbott and her intention to work with him to bring real property tax reform and closes with Dokupil stating, “I refuse to believe that empty promises are the best we can do.”

The ad, which began airing today, is paid for by Texans for Greg Abbott.
Abbott bucked the status quo by endorsing Dokupil in November and, since then, has put his words into action. A couple weeks ago, he spoke at a fundraiser where he slammed Davis as a “Wendy-Davis lookalike” and rebuked her for killing ethics reform, of his top priorities since he took office in 2015.
Abbott’s ad for Dokupil has given conservatives even more reason to applaud him for continuing to put his words into action.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens