James B. Milliken, the UT System Board of Regents’ sole finalist for Chancellor of the system, comes to Texas with plenty of baggage.
Incompetence and corruption have long plagued Mismanagement Milliken’s administrative career, but that has appeared to only make him more enticing to the cronies who control the UT Board of Regents.
Mismanagement and alleged corruption aside, Milliken is a bad fit for Texas for another reason—he’s an Obama fanboy.
After former President Obama wrapped up his last term in office, Milliken joined the chorus of leftist university administrators across the country begging him to join their colleges as a professor. As chancellor of The City University of New York, Milliken offered Obama an open invitation to any teaching position he wanted.
Perhaps Milliken wanted CUNY students to get special instruction on how to mismanage the federal government.
Milliken’s affinity for Obama is unsurprising given his involvement in the left-wing administration. Before Milliken accepted the CUNY job, Obama sent him as a delegate to several international conferences on higher education. Milliken also assisted former Secretary of State John Kerry on diplomatic missions to India.
Milliken’s deep ties to Obama and admiration of his presidency is further evidence of how out of step he is with most Texans.
Taxpayers should demand that Governor Abbott appoint regents that will reflect the will of Texas voters, who fund the institutions Milliken will likely oversee. Putting cronies and leftists in charge of the state’s flagship university is a betrayal of the conservative voters who put Abbott in office.