James White
State Rep. – District 12
Freshman Representative
Veteran, Cattle Rancher, Teacher
James White was everything you can ask for in a freshman State Representative.
Rep. White proved his bona fide conservative credentials through his voting record during the legislative session. He scored an A+ on the Fiscal Responsibility Index – one of only a handful of legislators to achieve such distinction.
White was also one the few freshmen bold enough to stand up to the lackluster leadership of Joe Straus by pledging to support a conservative speaker.
Rep. White understands that our local governments work best when they are free from burdensome unfunded mandates. That’s why one of his first bills he authored would have eliminated arduous state unfunded mandates on our local school districts, freeing them to cut waste and operate more efficiently.
James White understood the necessity of protecting the Rainy Day Fund, voting to seek meaningful cuts to the state budget first. He also opposed liberal Democrat Donna Howard’s attempt to automatically draw down the fund in the special session.
Rep. White has strongly expressed his support of cutting spending in the 83rd Session and rejects the idea that we must raise more revenue in order to achieve prosperity.
White supported numerous bills strengthening the constitutional spending limit, protecting taxpayers, and limiting the overreach of government. White is also a signer of the Taxpayer Pledge.
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Rep. White is currently being challenged by legislative lackey State Rep. Mike “Tuffy” Hamilton in the GOP Primary.
Hamilton was appointed chairman of the House Licensing and Administrative Procedures committee, where he and his committee members voted out a bill to make slot machines legal at race tracks. Speaker Straus and his family have business interests in horse racing and would stand to make millions if similar legislation makes it through next session.
Texans deserve better. Tell Speaker Straus and his lieutenants that enough is enough. Send a leader like James White back to Austin.