What does the left do when facts aren’t on their side? They distort, deceive, and dismiss the truth. It’s no wonder, then, that “Stop TLR,” a group funded by mega-Democrat donor Steve Mostyn, is now trying to hoodwink the grassroots. Originally formed to oppose tort reform (the TLR in their name, Texans for Lawsuit Reform), the false-flag entity is now going more broadly against the conservative movement with Mostyn’s millions.
Our friends at AgendaWise have helped pull back the curtain on Stop TLR and it’s frontman, Mark McCaig—an employee of Obama Super-PAC mega-donor Steve Mostyn. (Mr. McCaig has tried to cash in one his one-time membership in the venerable Young Conservatives of Texas; the group has publicly denounced him for using their name in connection with his liberal-friendly agenda.)
Given Mr. Mostyn’s failed attempts to buy victories for opponents of tort-reform by bankrolling the Texas Democratic Party, it’s no wonder he’s resorting to deception—such as disguising his Trojan horse “Stop TLR” initiative as a conservative organization.
Today, McCaig posted a blog on Stop TLR’s website entitled “Texans for Fiscal Irresponsibility?” specifically accusing us of having never gone on record opposing corporate welfare projects such as the Texas Enterprise Fund or the Emerging Technologies Fund.
The fact-checker for the Barack Obama presidential campaign could have done better research than Mr. McCaig. He’s clearly just hoping no one calls him out.
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has always been staunchly and publicly opposed to all forms of corporate welfare, from subsidies for major sporting events, to handouts to Hollywood. We’ve criticized everyone from the governor to local school boards for not ending these giveaways.
As our friend Peggy Venable at Americans for Prosperity recently noted in a post on her Twitter feed, Texas’ economic competitiveness arises from our low-tax, low-regulatory environment aided by significant tort reform.
Which takes us back to the Mostyn-McCaig slime machine. The conservative movement won’t be fooled by the lies, tricks and deception coming out of Stop TLR, so long as the grassroots know Steve Mostyn’s modus operandi.
Here’s just a sample of the posts we’ve written on Texas’ corporate welfare projects:
Emerging Ineffectiveness (2/2/2012): “Governor Perry has been a strong advocate of these types of taxpayer-funded investment projects, one of the few areas of public policy where we differ with him.”
Wheels Come Off F1 Subsidy (11/15/2011): “Any business model requiring subsidies from the taxpayers, or coercion by government, is simply unsustainable and will be revealed as a long-term loser.”
Legislators Should Have Yelled “Cut” (9/23/2011): “Texas had a chance to end our state’s film subsidy program this year when lawmakers confronted a $15 billion budget shortfall. State Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) offered amendments to eliminate funding for the subsidies during the budget debate. But rather than risk losing the chance at getting campaign-ready photo-ops with Hollywood starlets, legislators kept the program afloat while cutting elsewhere.”
Why Are We Still Subsidizing The Film Industry? (6/6/2011): “For a state that takes pride in its limited government mantra, it’s amazing that the “Film Incentive Program”, i.e. corporate welfare for Hollywood, has lasted this long. Instead of trying to create government “incentives” with a program earning a terrible ROI, Texas should be competing with other states for film business as we do with all other industries: by lowering taxes and reducing regulation.”
Who Is More Free Market? (3/24/2011): “Whether it’s the Emerging Technology Fund, Texas Enterprise Fund, tax breaks for Hollywood or Special Events Funding, government should not be in the position to dictate what business/industry/event is favored and what isn’t. And with this budget crisis, the LAST thing we should be doing is expanding taxpayer subsidies.”
Cutting Corporate Welfare (12/23/2010): “Texas Comptroller Susan Combs has it exactly right: “The Texas economy will grow, with or without incentives.” The ‘incentives,’ of course, are government giveaway programs that cost taxpayers a lot without providing much return. It’s time for them to go.”
Racing Away With Your Money (6/2/2010): “It’s not the role of government to invest in business or subsidize corporate fat-cats. It’s time for the Texas Legislature to end this practice altogether.”