Unmasking the real story behind the tragedy, this video reveals the identity of Genesse Moreno, a transgender woman who was killed by an off-duty police officer. Join us as we uncover the confusion surrounding her gender identity and the use of male aliases in her past interactions with law enforcement. Prepare to be shocked by the startling revelations and subscribe now for more gripping investigations into true crime stories.
9.9.2024: Catholics get $1 billion to aid illegal aliens.
Catholic Charities of Fort Worth Enabling Illegal Aliens?
The organization is helping illegal aliens obtain citizenship and handing out millions in taxpayer money to them.
9/6/24 Dade Phelan Hires Rick Perry
US Rep. Chip Roy Outlines How the Biden-Harris Border Crisis Is Affecting America
The Texas Republican’s report outlines multiple ways illegal aliens have harmed American cities and citizens.