Now that the dust from the election has settled, we can see more clearly the direction in which we should proceed;or can we?

While there are many ideas and opinions being bantered about, I am hearing two major schools of thought. One viewpoint is that we should get behind the “Palin” model. Sarah Palin espoused small town conservative values. Palin’s stance on the issues resulted in large numbers of exuberant supporters showing up at her campaign stops. She gave the Republican Party a much needed shot in the arm.

The other side is suggesting that our GOP should stop talking so much about being the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Talking too much about “our values” is rhetoric that is too polarizing; this is not the way to reach out to an ever increasingly diversified community.

Is there a balance that can be reached between these two factions? Is there some sort of middle ground here? Or is the word balance in this context merely a synonym for compromise?
What do YOU think?


5/24/24 More Trouble at the Border

- DPS arrests 57 illegal aliens for criminal trespass in the Normandy area. - North Texas teacher arrested for assaulting 4-year-old child. - Texas sues Ticketmaster for monopolization of live entertainment industry.