U.S. government subsidies for energy sources like wind and solar are set to skyrocket from $74 billion just a decade ago to $245 billion by 2029.
Thousands of Illegal Aliens Attempted to Evade Border Patrol in March
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that they encountered 191,900 illegal aliens in March, with 162,317 of those specifically crossing between the ports of entry.
Nikki Haley Touts Censured Rep. Tony Gonzales as the ‘Border King’
The former South Carolina governor toured the border with U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, who has been censured for his opposition to border security efforts.
Trump’s Support Among Texas Republicans Surges Amid Indictment
Fifty-two percent of Texas Republicans say Donald Trump is their top choice for president, following news of his indictment in New York.
Attorney General Ken Paxton Declares Victory in Transparency Lawsuit Against DOJ
Texas and more than a dozen other states sued the Biden administration for correspondence about the NSBA’s 2021 letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists.
Kari Lake Calls Greg Abbott’s Border Bus Scheme a ‘Cute Photo Op’
“It’s a cute photo op, but it just places people who shouldn’t be here further into the country.”
Arizona on Track to Declare Border Invasion as Kari Lake Declares Victory
While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has thus far refused to do so, Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake has made the policy a central part of her campaign.
Texas Companies Ask US Supreme Court to Uphold Affirmative Action
“Prohibiting universities nationwide from considering race among other factors in composing student bodies would undermine businesses’ efforts to build diverse workforces.”
Collin County GOP Censures Cornyn
Grassroots frustration with U.S. Sen. John Cornyn “has been simmering for years.”
Biden Approves Construction of Border Wall in Arizona
Despite previous declarations to never construct “another foot of wall,” Biden caves to Democrats’ pressure and safety concerns for migrants.
9 Texas Republican Congressmen Criticized for Vote on Visas
The congressmen voted for a subtle amendment to increase permanent visa holders.
Paxton Announces Border Security Win from U.S. Supreme Court
Thanks to the Supreme Court, the DHS was ordered to deport illegal aliens in accordance with existing law, instead of arbitrary “guidance”.
‘Gotaways’ Are Flooding into the United States
“The staggering increase in illegals crossing our border that we know nothing about is a serious threat to our communities.”
Biden Proposes 500,000 Acre Wind Farm Off Galveston Coast
The project will cover an area larger than the city of Houston.
US Rep. Gonzales Bucks GOP Colleagues, Votes to Protect Gay Marriage
Republican U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales voted to codify same-sex marriage into federal law.
Netroots Education Panel: Kill School Choice
Five out of five progressive education activists at Netroots Nation agree: there cannot be choice or...
Far left’s utopian vision exposed at Netroots Nation
DETROIT -- Panelists at the Netroots Nation conference described their allies as “communists” and...
Dispatch from Detroit: Netroots Nation 2014
The nation’s largest annual gathering of liberal-progressive activists took place this past weekend in a...
Cruz: Oppose “Pernicious Laws” Attacking Political Speech
U.S. Sen Ted Cruz issued a statement earlier today decrying legislative action in Texas similar to rules...
The Crimean Crisis
In the Crimean War, 1853-54, over 750,000 Soldiers died and countless civilians. This conflict, involved...
Blurred Understanding
Turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or read a news article online, and odds are you’ll encounter something...
Who Stands With Ted Cruz?
Until now, many anti-Obamacare efforts were toothless, giving paper lions a chance to roar.
Straus Seeks Sugarcoat for Medicaid Expansion
“We need to move beyond the word ‘no’ to something the administration might entertain.”
Medicaid Fight Isn’t Over
Republicans outside Texas are giving in to Obama Administration offers to expand their Medicaid programs, despite the knowledge such action will bankrupt their states.
Congressional GOP Weaselship
It’s irresponsible to give Congress higher credit limits or more money.