
Victory Against The Odds
Victory Against The Odds

When people decide they are willing to lose everything rather than live as serfs, that is when tyrants quiver and fall.

The Real War
The Real War

Rather than fight the enemy, we have contented ourselves with blaming the victims and shunning the warriors.

A Good Friday?
A Good Friday?

From a certain perspective, it is hard to think of this as a “good”...


Be Strong; Fear Not

There are some fearsome fights ahead of us in the new year, but it doesn’t mean we should be fearful of them.

The Carol of the Drum

Even at our best, when we stand before God we are like a child banging on a drum.

Real News, Real Texans

As citizens, our first loyalty must be to each other and not the political personalities of the day.

Always With The Accountability

There is an entire devoted to shielding politicians from civic accountability; it only works when we aren’t actively engaged.

Know What You Expect

Citizens seeking to impact public policy often do so shackled by the low expectations set by political cronies. It’s time for the grassroots to raise expectations.


On Being Happy Warriors

On Being Happy Warriors

There is no end to the litany of things about which to be angry – but it doesn’t mean we have to be endlessly upset.

Imposing Agendas

Imposing Agendas

It is up to the politician to have a plan to meet the citizens’ demands.

Chipping Away

Chipping Away

If we are to govern our republic, we must first govern ourselves.

Serving Two Masters

Serving Two Masters

For our system of government to work, for liberty to be preserved, politicians must remember they are the citizens’ servants.

Two-Card Monte?

Two-Card Monte?

In politics, we’re encouraged to be distracted by the “game” between the Elephants and the Donkeys – even as the Republic is stolen from us.

Choosing Sides

Choosing Sides

We must spend less time worrying about what side other people are on… and be sure we’re on the right side for the right reasons.