
On Being ‘Right’

On Being ‘Right’

Political purity czars are a lonely lot and rarely as pure as they perceive themselves. They trade the joy of warm camaraderie for the faint praise of self-congratulations.

Doing What Is Right
Doing What Is Right

After ditching God and the system of self-governance He gave them, the Israelites suffered. Let’s not make the same mistake.

Failing The Next Generation
Failing The Next Generation

Education has gone from “training up” a child, to tearing down the moral and religious upbringing of their families.

What Are We Remembering?
What Are We Remembering?

It is easier to enjoy a beer and burger in the backyard this weekend than to reflect on the sacrifices made on our behalf.


Liberty Is Enough

The most ensnaring shackle isn’t necessarily a physical one placed on wrists and ankles, but the choice some make to perceive the world as a slave.

Cowards in the Pulpit

If liberty is to die here, that death will have been preceded by whimpers of ecclesiastical acquiescence.

Praying For The Wrong People

Praying for our republic’s politicians and not the citizens is like asking a physician to alleviate the symptoms without addressing the disease.

On Being Happy Warriors

There is no end to the litany of things about which to be angry – but it doesn’t mean we have to be endlessly upset.

Imposing Agendas

It is up to the politician to have a plan to meet the citizens’ demands.


Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

It’s easy to prefer the safety of what we know, even if that’s a flimsy boat on a turbulent sea.

The Temptation of Access

The Temptation of Access

Once we start worshiping at the altar of political access, our principles are among the first things that get sacrificed.

Return of the Ark

Return of the Ark

There is less danger from our enemies than from the pride in our hearts.

When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly

Tyrannical regimes never have a sense of humor – but our loving God most clearly does.

Blind Men

Blind Men

Will we join in the glorious disruption that brings light to the world?