
Tarrant County Enacts Mask Mandate
Tarrant County Enacts Mask Mandate

Despite the decline of deaths from the coronavirus in the county, businesses will now be required to force customers and employees to wear masks.


Victoria Plans Property Tax Hike

Despite rising appraisal values, the city of Victoria is raising tax rates on its citizens rather than adopting the “no-new-revenue tax rate.”


Subsidized Moves

Subsidized Moves

Does your employer subsidize your mortgage payment? What about extra incentives for moving closer to work?...

When in Doubt, Postpone!

The Austin City Council didn't want to move the council and mayoral election to November, out of a fear that...

Ballad of Waste

Ballad of Waste

Houston METRO seems to have their own version of creatively wasting your tax dollars to increase ridership....

Sandstorm in Texas SD30

"Sandstorming" is a negative campaign strategy used to obscure the record of a candidate by creating a cloud...