

Uncut: A Conversation With Allen West

Texas Scorecard presents an exclusive interview with the former congressman and Texas Republican Party chairman, who is now running for governor.


Cooking Calendars

Cooking Calendars

The Texas House’s biggest obstructionist may be getting a promotion, and it could bring progress on conservative reforms this session to a standstill.

TSRA Firing Blanks on Gun Rights

TSRA Firing Blanks on Gun Rights

The state’s largest gun rights organization is choosing to kowtow to establishment politicians rather than defend the rights of Texans.

University of Texas Lobbying for Liberal Policies

University of Texas Lobbying for Liberal Policies

While liberal university administrators advocating for liberal political outcomes is hardly surprising, the overtness of the University of Texas’ contempt and disdain for both the Texas Legislature and the citizens that elected them is staggering.

Loyalty Vote on Day One

Loyalty Vote on Day One

Loyalty, that is, to the Democrat coalition’s chosen House speaker, not the conservative principles embraced by Texas voters.