
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
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Commentary Archive

Commentary: Texans Hurt by Cronyism in Washington, DC

Politicians in Washington, D.C. are considering legislation that will limit Texas consumers' access to local content while further enriching large satellite TV companies. Congress is considering something called the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act...


What We Fear

Fear is powerful. Improperly applied, fear can cause us to make irrational choices without thinking. Yet it can also, in the words of the Book of Proverbs, be the “beginning of wisdom.” The difference is what we fear. Sticking with Proverbs 9:10 for a moment, “fear of...


Fighting Faithfully

When most of us hear the name “Magdala,” if we think of anything we might possibly connect it with the New Testament’s Mary Magdalene (or Mary of Magdala, same person). But the city itself tells us about faithfulness in the face of defeat.  During the the last century...

Analysis: The Path to Cut Property Taxes for Every Texan

Lawmakers in both chambers passed bloated state budgets that—despite a record $10 billion surplus—somehow failed to reduce school property taxes. Instead, they spent most of it growing government. But there’s still time to alter course, as budget conferees have yet to...

Commentary: Waco Allows Scooter Companies, Finally

Despite banning them last year, the Waco City Council is set to allow electric scooters and bicycles back on the streets starting this June. According to the Waco Tribune-Herald, “[Waco] is expected to approve a one-year contract with Gotcha Bikes LLC later this month...