
Commentary Archive

TX Runoffs Today

Thirteen significant Lone Star State political runoffs will be decided today, thus ending the nomination process that began with the Texas primary election back on March 6th. In the Governor’s race, Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez and businessman Andrew White, the...

Amarillo Faces Unfortunate Crossroads

Amarillo is at an unfortunate economic crossroads built on economic illiteracy and excessive influence. Almost a decade ago, Amarillo’s city government decided that economic development in downtown needed to be top priority. Officials devised a plan to build a...

Editorial: Illegal Immigrants aren’t Texans

On Thursday, the Houston Chronicle published an op-ed titled “I’m a Texan. Ken Paxton wants to deport me," written by illegal immigrant and "DREAMer" activist Damaris Gonzalez. In response, I tweeted the following:...

Sanctuary Sheriff Hoist With Her Own Petard in Texas

The Dallas County sheriff and Texas gubernatorial hopeful who rejected federal immigration detainers at her jail is getting smacked right and left on the campaign trail. Lupe Valdez topped a large Democratic field in the March primary, but fell short of winning the...

Dear Councilman Byrd: I Want My Money Back

Fort Worth Council Member Brian Byrd, As a strong supporter of your campaign, I am frustrated with how you have governed in your short time on city council.  I supported you because you promised to fight for conservative principles, especially in the area of fiscal...

Coppell Proposes Taxpayer-Funded Home Improvements

How would you like to spend $15,000 on home improvements – on someone else’s home? What if your city wanted to spend millions of your tax dollars to pay for improvements on hundreds of your neighbors’ homes? Fellow taxpayers, if you live in the City of Coppell, you...

Sneaky SH 130 Expansion Defies Abbott/Patrick Pledge

Here we go again! Another toll road expansion gets to hopscotch ahead of the state’s major congestion priorities such as I-35 in Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio. The Texas Transportation Commission just approved spending $36.7 million in toll revenues to add another...

Alfie Evans, Healthcare and Freedom

The story of 2 year-old Alfie Evans has captured the attention of people all over the world and for good reason. As this small infant continues to fight for his life, his parents and family remain powerless to prevent the British government, courts, and government-run...