
Whoever Is For Us…


Whoever Is For Us…

In politics and culture, the crony establishment uses division to consolidate power. We must fight it through addition.

Commentary Archive

Nobody Is Above An Ethics Policy

When I first ran for Keller City Council in November 2014, I was motivated by what I felt was a lack of communication, transparency, and accountability from Town Hall. Effective representation at any level of government requires our elected officials to conduct...

Good News and Bad News on School Finance in Texas

The long-awaited decision from the Texas Supreme Court in the school finance case, Morath v. Texas Taxpayer and Student Fairness Coalition, was issued on May 13, 2016. (The case was argued over eight months earlier.) The court’s jargon-laden 100-page (!) decision can...

Bearing Arms at the Ballot Box: How to Fire Your Civil Bullet

“Some of you will be killed or wounded during your tour of duty because you will forget you are in a war.” This sober warning greeted many U.S. soldiers upon their arrival in Vietnam and became reality for a horrifying number. U.S. citizens who are voter-eligible...

Grassroots Texas Voting 101

Voting is not your right, it is your responsibility. Vote the whole ballot. It matters. The most important election is the Primary. This is where a grassroots candidate has the best chance of beating a well-funded establishment candidate. All Republican candidates...

Clean Power Plan

Today we hear plenty of news coverage about terrorism and security.  In this election year, we have also heard a considerable amount of press over the federal deficit and raising the spending limit through the omnibus spending bill, now in excess of $19 trillion, if...