Women’s March: How A National Pro-Abortion Organization Is Targeting Amarillo
Women’s March Executive Director, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, has been a resident of Amarillo since 2021.
Y’All Answered: Golden Parachutes for School Superintendents?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
Dade Phelan Claims He is Democrats’ Choice for Speaker
Phelan’s repeated reliance on Democrats for political survival should serve as the final straw for any Republican who is still trying to portray him as a friend of conservative values.
The Case For School Choice in Texas
School choice combats failing government schools and woke teachers through competition.
Commentary Archive
Stones and Dry Bones
Not long ago I was chatting with a fairly well-known conservative personality. He was lamenting that he “had” to be in the fight. As he talked about all the other things he thought he would “rather” be doing than be engaged in the cause of liberty, my thoughts turned...
Texas Must Take the Lead
Let’s start with a quiz. In our constitutional Republic (attention Democrats/RINOS: we’re not a “democracy”), what is the most powerful branch of government? Congress? The Supreme Court? The presidency? Tell you what, go research that and we’ll come back to that...
Y’All Answered: Use Eminent Domain To Build The Wall?
State Sen. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) has proposed legislation allowing Texas to exercise its powers of eminent domain to build a wall along the border with Mexico. In yesterday's One Click Survey, we asked readers if they agreed with the proposal. Do you want to...
It’s Time for Change in Fort Worth ISD
Fort Worth Independent School District is in dire need of transformational change on May 6. On this day, voters in Fort Worth ISD will be able to vote out incumbents from the three FWISD school board districts that have caused so much chaos and failed leadership for...
Victory Against The Odds
Defeat usually begins in one of two ways: believing success to be impossible, or assuming your victory is assured. On April 21, 1836, the Texians achieved independence at San Jacinto because they were willing to fight a last-chance, impossible battle against an enemy...
Y’All Answered: Who Is Working Harder?
In Monday's One Click Survey, we asked readers who seemed to be working harder to advance the priorities of Texas' grassroots Republican activists: Dade Phelan and the House, or Dan Patrick and the Senate. Do you want to participate in our weekly surveys? Subscribe to...
The Real War
Everything has been militarized. Our local peace-keepers walk around in surplus tactical gear while politicians speak breathlessly of “taking bullets” in legislative debate. It’s a bit much, since the real war is one none of us seem interested in fighting. Our...
How Property Taxes Impact You
Each year, your county central appraisal district sends out thousands of notifications informing property owners that their appraisals have increased. It’s easy to understand why many Texas homeowners and businesses are rightfully worried about these appraisal...
Defund Mayorkas Now
“What the senator said is revolting”, embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas proclaimed, before being repelled by a comment from Senator Cruz. “Your failure to do your job is revolting.” In case you missed it, Mayorkas has again appeared before the...