
Commentary Archive


Stepping Forward In Faith

Along the Jordan River, between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, are the plains of Jericho – the mound of the ancient city and its ruins are visible for all to see. But for today I don’t want to look at Jericho; we can discuss that place another time. (And those...


Cindi Castilla: Preserving the Gift of Liberty

As citizens across the state and nation continue to face threats from government, Dallas citizen Cindi Castilla has taken action to help protect and preserve our rare gift of freedom. “I’ve always known [being engaged with government] was important because I was...


Stop Being Nice

Most of us live our days striving to be nice. We think we can just be all smiles and exude love by being nice to those who do evil. It’s a niceness that doesn’t appear in scripture, and provides only a self-serving sense of cowardly righteousness. In scripture we...

Sullivan: A Gun to My Head

For almost a decade, a rogue, unethical state agency has been trying to silence me because I work to expose the sewer culture of Austin. I’ve challenged the agency’s legitimacy and exposed their efforts to suppress Texans’ First Amendment rights. And so, in a...


Why Is The 4th of July So Special?

There was no difference between July 3, 1776, and ‪July 5.‬ By all outward appearances, the American colonies were no more free, no more independent. The governing structures were not different. So what makes the Fourth of July so special? Think about it. We do not...


America the Exceptional

We live in an age with countless voices united against American exceptionalism. We are under an anti-American barrage every day from leftists politicians, actors, media personalities, college professors, and coffee shop baristas. The only way for them to instill the...