
Commentary Archive


Access for What?

No private sin is quite so publicly ensnaring as the quiet promise of political access. It trips up the most sure-footed activist, and silences even the boldest advocate of liberty. The fourth chapter of Mathew’s Gospel records the specific temptations dangled in...


Choosing To Be Troubled?

As a kid, I loved the “Choose Your Own Adventure” series of novels. As the story progressed, you’d make decisions for the characters that affected the outcome. In the daily adventure of life, we have an even more important choice: choosing our attitude toward the...


Just A Small Bit Of Liberty

We’re almost one year into “15 days to slow the spread.” Texans were asked to give up some of their freedoms and accept the imposition of massive new restrictions and regulations to serve the greater good. Now that those statewide mandates appear to be coming to end,...

Sullivan: Would Texas’ Founders Recognize Us?

When the founding fathers of Texas declared independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836, a gun was already pointed at their head. Unlike the American founders, who had an ocean separating them from their tyrannical overlord, the Texians’ tormentor was within their own...