
Pro-life Advocates Protested GOP’s New Stance on Abortion Outside the RNC
It was the first time in four decades the GOP platform failed to include language supporting federal protection for unborn children.

Y’All Answered: Will Democrats Support Harris?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.

Gas & Groceries – Taking the Fight to America’s Voters
When Americans must choose between paying the rent or feeding their kids, the country is ready for a new direction.
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
Commentary Archive
Greer: Harris County’s Unlawful Election Proposals
This week, Harris County commissioners, at the behest of interim County Clerk Chris Hollins, green-lit spending a whopping $17 million on a slew of last-minute alterations to how the county will handle this year’s election. Harris, like other Democrat-controlled...
Test Everything… Abstain from Evil
As citizens, we have tolerated the devolution of our republic into cults of personality. Rather than a spirited contest of ideas among a self-governing people, elections have become a spectator sport complete with pompoms, jerseys, and cheerleaders. The result? We’re...
Coronavirus Mandate Stories: ‘He’s Hurting Texas’
Despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s shutdowns in response to the Chinese coronavirus, a Central Texan still caught the virus in a nursing home and later died of a heart attack. Now, the same mandates that failed to protect him are keeping his widow separated from her daughter...
Magness: Environmentalists Oppose Pipeline Development but Offer No Viable ‘Plan B’
Recent news of regulatory obstacles and lengthy courtroom challenges against energy infrastructure projects like the Atlantic Coast, Keystone XL, and Dakota Access pipelines have jolted the industry and spotlighted the need for regulatory consistency and clear...
The Army You Need
It’s been said that you go to war with the army you have, not necessarily the army you think you need or want. In the battles of everyday life, we can always point to the things we don’t have that would make life easier. But would they? As a self-governing people, we...
Sullivan: Is Aggieland Tilting Left?
Texas A&M was once considered a conservative institution – perhaps one of the last bastions of traditional values in higher education. In recent years, it has shifted left – if not yet as wildly as the University of Texas. reports on the latest...
Coronavirus Mandate Stories: ‘There Are Worse Things Than Dying’
A family had the only help for their special-needs child ripped away by a government mandate issued in response to the Chinese coronavirus. Exhausted by the round-the-clock care she shoulders, a Texas mother pleads for help to pressure Gov. Greg Abbott to restore her...
Cahn: Leftist Austin Journalist Attempts Maoist Defenestration of … Local Mommy Blogger?
Last week, a reporter for Austin’s most progressive media organization launched a sexist broadside against local mothers and sex trafficking survivors. Yes, you read that correctly. The Austin Mom’s Blog is ... exactly what it sounds like: an apolitical group blog...
We Are Texas Scorecard!
Friends have told me the predominate rumor around the Capitol this summer has been that Empower Texans is going away. Of course, that rumor – often spoken as a hopeful prayer by establishment politicians – has existed almost since we began! Let me first thank you for...