
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
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Commentary Archive


Sticks and Stones

As rejoinders to bullies go, the old rhyme about “sticks and stones” being more physically harmful than words is true on its face, but fails the test of civil engagement for a self-governing people. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!”...

Kathy Ponce: Former Californian Fighting to Keep Texas Red

When conservative activist Kathy Ponce left her native California for Texas, she wasted no time jumping into local politics to make sure the failed policies she fled wouldn’t take hold in her new home. Kathy moved to Maypearl, Texas—a small town in Ellis County, just...

Kecseg: What’s Your Lawmaker’s Pro-Life Plan for 2021?

Texans need to be asking all candidates during election season what reforms they plan on passing in 2021. We should not be satisfied with pats on the head. Politicians always want something from you during election season: your vote, money, time, contacts. They want...

Pierson: Texas Cities Will Go the Way of Seattle If Biden Wins

Every American city—even in the heart of Texas—would become just like Portland, Minneapolis, and Seattle if Joe Biden wins the presidential election. In Minneapolis, rioters burned down a police station after feckless politicians ordered officers to abandon it. In...