
Local Archive

Dem chaos spin on redistricting is a good test

From the AP: "When you move elections to unusual dates, everyone agrees it has a negative impact on minority turnout," said Nina Perales, an attorney for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. "Even the state's expert agrees, when you have an unusual...

Phil King Endorsed by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility

State Rep. Phil King of Weatherford was endorsed for re-election today by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility. "Phil King has consistently proven himself to be a strong, commonsense conservative who listens to his constituents, not the special interests in Austin," said...

UT-Austin holds closed-door meetings to push tuition increase

Right now, University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers is considering a recommendation to increase tuition by the maximum the Board of Regents indicated it would consider (2.5 percent for undergraduates, a higher percentage for law and graduate students). As...


Allen Throws Taxpayers Under Bus

There is no doubt Allen has experienced rampant population growth over the past few decades, so the school district is building a new bus barn. Rather than renovate the existing facility, bureaucrats naturally want to instead build a brand new $40 million structure....

Charles Perry Endorsed by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility

State Rep. Charles Perry of Lubbock was endorsed for re-election by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility. "Charles Perry proved himself to be a strong, commonsense conservative who put the needs of his constituents ahead of the special interests in Austin," said the...

Half dozen transmission lines – for $7 billion

The Texas Public Utilities Commission (PUC) wants to build half a dozen transmission lines to get wind-generated energy from the west Texas plains to the state's power grid. They've been anxious to do this for awhile, and how much do they think this is going to cost?...

Tom Leppert wants D.C. to “get things done”

At the time of filing to run for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator this week, Tom Leppert said: “Texans are tired of watching the dysfunction in Washington and hearing the same old excuses from politicians for failing to get things done.” And with that...

The “Caucus of One” Seeks a Return

I will admit, this news this morning about former state rep. Tommy Merritt announcing his intention to run against Rep. David Simpson in HD 7 is just about the best thing St. Nicholas could have put in this aspiring pundit’s shoe. Or inbox. Whatever. Let’s take a trip...