
Local Archive

Thousands Of Letters Delivered To Capitol

More than 5,000 letters are being delivered from taxpayers living around the state to their legislators. They are asking lawmakers to adopt a 2012-2013 budget that does not spend beyond the state’s fiscal means, raise taxes, or use the state's Rainy Day Fund. Over the...

Dutton’s prisoner redistricting lawsuit is absurd

Houston Democrat Harold Dutton isn’t ashamed to admit that his community and Harris County as a whole spawn a ton of criminals. But as with most lefties, Dutton is so concerned with political power that the he doesn’t care how bad a light the facts of his...

Senate “tradition” or Constitutional requirement?

Democrats are upset in the Texas Senate as Republicans set aside the Senate tradition of requiring the approval of two-thirds of the members before a bill can be voted upon by the body. “We were not sent down here to preserve the two-thirds rule. We were sent here to...

Is the Austin ISD School Board Tone-Deaf?

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees recently approved an expenditure of $4 million from bonds to purchase land for a new performing arts center in central Austin. After they just fired hundreds of teachers, taxpayers should be wondering how they justify the commitment to...

Road Block For Crony Capitalism?

Investors trying to speed off with the taxpayers' money hit a roadblock late last week: State Sen. Dan Patrick. He struck a blow against the proposed $25 million earmark to subsidize construction of a Formula One racetrack. The hyped project in southwestern Travis...

Bexar County Democrats’ Turmoil

Get the popcorn! It has been nearly a month since it was revealed that bigots exist, and yes, in the Democratic Party. What an embarrassment! Last year, the treasurer of the Bexar County Democratic Party had siphoned $202,000 from the county party, and in the fall...

Straus a conservative compared to the Senate?

Speaking to students and administrators at the University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Politics Speakers Series, House Speaker Joe Straus essentially answered back this week’s calls in the press from Senator Ogden for some type of fast-fix of the business tax to bring...

Texas Constitution: Beware the rewriters

The Austin-American Statesman reports that during the budget debate, State Rep. Mark Strama, rabid liberal Democrat of Austin, said “the two-year budget is a vestige of bygone days when members traveled to Austin by horse and is no longer feasible.” “No economist...

Superintendent to Eliminate Teachers But Won’t Be Taking Pay Cut

Most of us in the private sector have been making adjustments to withstand the national economic downturn. We face actual unemployment of over 16%, and many of those employed have seen incomes reduced significantly. One person who won't be feeling any financial pain...