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House Sluggish on Tax Relief

On Tuesday morning, the House Appropriations Committee unanimously passed the budget plan provided in House Bill 1. HB 1, as passed by the committee, will spend $209.8 billion over the 2016-17 biennium, an increase of $7.4 billion from the $202.4 billion base budget...

Houston’s TIRZ Explosion

The blame for Texas’ local debt epidemic is typically assigned to city councils and school boards. But little attention is given to the unelected boards that govern Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ), which also have the ability to tax and borrow on behalf of...


Calendars Confusion

There may be no better example in the Texas Legislature of the tyranny of House leadership and the corruption of the legislative process than the current practice of the House Calendars Committee. Under current House practice, 15 members hand picked by House Speaker...


Will Senators Allow Themselves to be Used Again?

Last session, members of the Texas Senate were used by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst to defend Bill Powers and the elites who control the University of Texas at Austin. In light of recent reports exposing corruption at UT, will Senators allow themselves to be used again by...


Straus Confidant Faces Dog Abuse Questions

Greyhound 2k, a Boston-based advocate for the welfare of Greyhounds has lodged complaints against Gulf Greyhound Park related to the abuse of dogs at the track. The track is owned in part by Robert and Gordon Johnson, two longtime Austin lobbyists for gambling...

Political Insecurity

A new group has surfaced in Texas, and it seems to be spreading some misinformation about the Texas Legislature. Specifically, it’s trying to make Straus-affiliated, politically insecure Republicans sound more conservative than they are. Some Texans are receiving...

Steroid Testing Program Fails the Test

After spending millions of dollars based on claims of rampant steroid use in high schools, the Texas Legislature has been advised to shut down the six-year-old random testing program it began with great fanfare in 2008. Supporters of the program, however, say that the...


Seliger Seeks 100% Tax Cut for Race Tracks

Despite being one of only two Republican Senators refusing to sign on in support of the Senate’s bipartisan property tax relief measure, State Sen. Kel Seliger is authoring legislation aimed at giving horse and dog racing tracks special treatment—a 100% refund of...

Shaheen’s Transportation Plan Favored Over Senate Version

In an attempt to make transportation funding a legislative priority, State Rep. Matt Shaheen (R-Plano) has filed legislation to dedicate more tax revenue to non-tolled roads. His reform mirrors State Sen. Robert Nicohols’ original proposal (SB 5) prior to moderate...

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