Results for "voter fraud"

Three Ways to Reform Runaway Debt and Taxes

Three Ways to Reform Runaway Debt and Taxes

…for changes in the local tax base. Even worse, it’s a soft limit—with the exception of school districts, politicians can break it without seeking local voter approval. Legislators should take…

Texas’ Property Tax System Encourages Waste

Texas’ Property Tax System Encourages Waste

…investors and imprisoned for committing fraud, public officials effectively hold no criminal or civil liability for making false public comments or faulty budget forecasts. To be clear, the aforementioned flaws…

RMAs: Repeated Malfeasance Authorities

RMAs: Repeated Malfeasance Authorities

…the Texas Transportation Commission, RMAs essentially perform many duplicative functions of TXDOT, only with a much higher potential for waste, fraud, and abuse. The Governor and the Commissioners Courts of…

Local Debt: Don’t Wait Until November

Local Debt: Don’t Wait Until November

…III of Garland, who made headlines for exposing both Obamacare Navigator fraud and illegal tactics by Battleground Texas, helped lead concerned teachers and parents to influence his local school board…

From Your City Council To The White House

From Your City Council To The White House

…James O’Keefe at Project Veritas gathered video evidence of rampant tax fraud perpetrated by several non-profit organizations that hire Obamacare navigators. In case after case, their staff is shown encouraging…

Garland Fights For Students, Against “Super” Bully

Garland Fights For Students, Against “Super” Bully

…to stop the disproportionate taxing, spending and debt trends statewide; it’s also an incredibly effective strategy. Relatively small districts and single-digit voter turnout in local elections means a small group…

Texas House Voting Fraud

Texas House Voting Fraud

…Mr. Oliveira’s place. But perhaps we should care a great deal that such voter fraud is taking place in the chamber of the Texas House. [Cover image: Ralph Barrera/Austin American-Statesman.]…