
State Archive

Mapping the House

Usually, it's voters who decide who'll represent them, but once a decade legislators decided on the boundaries of their House districts. While necessary to align districts for population shifts, very often the drawing also serves to punish foes and reward allies. The...

Exercise In Irresponsibility

The Senate Finance Committee took the easy way out in crafting a budget that exceeds the taxpayers' means. Rather than prioritize spending within available revenues, the committee is choosing to tap the rainy day fund and use other one-time revenue sources to pay for...

Line Item Limbo

Commonsense, bi-partisan measures have been presented that would clarify the budget writing and reporting process, providing much needed transparency to a Texas budgetary format marked by a quagmire of confusion. Currently the ins and outs of the Texas Budget are...

No Spending Limits

Conservatives of all stripes agree on the need to limit the unchecked growth of government, and a year that has lawmakers tightening the state's belt anyway seems like a good time to champion such commonsense, pro-taxpayer legislation. Yet, House leaders are not....

Senate’s Business-Killer

In what might one day be a textbook example of how to ruin a comparably prosperous state's economy, the Texas Senate could be considering a business income tax in the very near future. Taking such a reckless action amounts to political and economic suicide. State Sen....

Fixing the ObamaCare Mess

From the unsustainable expansion of entitlements and spending to the colossal national debt and a nearly indiscernible tax code, Washington has a habit of taking control of things and promptly making a mess of them. Calls needed today for House Bill 5! NEW FEATURE:...

End Double-Dipping

More than 6,000 state employees are currently “double dipping” by retiring, drawing a pension, and then going back to work while still receiving retirement benefits, costing taxpayers millions. According to a KRGV News open records request, there are 50 different...

House Has Opportunity to Strengthen Property Rights

Two months ago the Senate passed it's eminent domain bill (SB18) that doesn't necessarily do additional harm to private property rights, but certainly left major room for improvement. Wednesday, the House has it's opportunity to drastically improve this bill by adding...

Texas Voters Getting Railroaded

They don’t have much to do with railroads anymore, but the elected three-member Railroad Commission plays a vitally important check in the state’s regulatory environment affecting the oil and gas industry. Some in the Legislature want to eliminate this constitutional...