
State Archive

Tricky language used to push Texas tax increases

Get ready; there is a considerable movement to raise your Texas taxes. But watch out, just as I predicted to you months ago, it will be done in a manner designed to fool the inattentive and the ignorant into thinking it’s something other than a tax increase on them....

Obama Scares Away Dems, Dodges Perry

Just how scary is Barack Obama? Scary enough that Democrats running for office in Texas are running far away from his August 9 visit to the Lone Star State. No Dem wants to be photo'd with the radioactive president. Meanwhile, the president is dodging a clearly-needed...

Green Energy’s Big Costs

Texas consumers will soon be paying more for electricity. But this isn’t because of deregulation and greedy electricity companies, as is so often claimed. Instead, it is the result of some decisions soon to be made by Texas’ Public Utility Commission. Energy...

Tribune Tarring a Hero

Papers like the Austin American Statesman and the Waco Herald-Tribune should think twice before running articles from non-profit political muckraking outfits, like the Texas Tribune. Today, Ross Ramsey, managing editor of the Tribune, ran an ill-conceived poorly...

Greg Abbott for Attorney General

The president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility today announced the endorsement of Greg Abbott for re-election as Texas’ Attorney General. “With the increasing pace of federal intrusions on the states, and the high cost to taxpayers, Texans are fortunate to have...

Inflation works in news reporting too

In the past couple of months Democrat Bill White has been uncovered as having netted over a million dollars from a company that he consistently told the press he didn’t make any significant money from – it must be nice to consider a million dollar-plus net profit to...

Texas’ Liberal Republicans?

Don't know how I missed this, but the Texas Tribune released an interactive page a week or so ago purporting to show who the liberals and conservatives are in the Texas House. Let's just say the results aren't too surprising. The ratings use methodology employed by...

What’s it All About, Annie?

Over the weekend, News 8 Austin did a nice little puff piece on Annie's List and State Representative Diana Maldonado (D-52). Throughout the story Reporter Karina King refers to Annie's List as a "nonprofit" that "helps women" in politics, and she includes statements...

Press gets Capitol CHL access wrong

Enough of the silly scared of guns, stories over Texas Capitol access for Concealed Handgun License holders. The namby-pamby press has completely missed the point on the issue. “Everyone from lobbyists to lawyers and journalists are rushing to get permits to carry...