
State Archive


Grinding Taxpayers’ Gears

The Circuit of the America’s racetrack, who recently hosted the largest sporting event in Austin history, is poised to get even more preferential treatment from the government—this time from the infamous Fiscal Cliff deal recently passed by Congress. Thanks to a...


Zedler Pushing Again for Transparency

State Rep. Bill Zedler isn’t giving up the fight for more transparency over local school districts. Despite the roadblocks set up in front of his legislation last session, he’s back again filing the same bill designed to shine a light on how your ISD is spending your...


King: Limit Government Growth

Legislation filed in advance of the 2013 session would strictly limit spending to the sum of population growth and inflation. Voters and taxpayers across the political spectrum have long supported this stronger limit on government. Passed by voters in the late 1970s,...


Take a Stand for Liberty

Texans have always been willing to not only stand on principle, but fight for it as well. Our past is filled with a myriad of examples where Texans proved that those willing to carry the banner of liberty can persevere against all odds. We’re all familiar with what...


Callegari Seeks Important Reforms

While some occupational licenses serve a legitimate role, many seem more designed to lock-out upstarts and create barriers for competitors seeking to enter the marketplace. Taxpayer advocate and State Rep. Bill Callegari wants to fix that; he's on a mission to reduce...


Making Texas Strong

The TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee released their legislative priorities for the 83rd Session today, calling on the state to implement the five points of the Texas Budget Compact, reduce the size and scope of government to its constitutionally-defined roles, and...


“Feeling Heat” is Just Part of the Job Description

Lawmakers in the Texas House and the U.S. House of Representatives have something in common these days.  Both bodies are facing serious decisions about who will lead them going into the new year, and both are hearing from constituents about this important decision....


Billions More for Bigger Government

While other statewide leaders are calling for reducing spending and cutting wasteful government, House Speaker Joe Straus is telling the media he wants to break out the checkbook this session. In preparation for the 83rd Legislature, Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David...

Why School Choice Must Be Universal

Who knows what's best for children in terms of education?  The adults responsible for them - i.e., parents and guardians - or politicians and bureaucrats?  I know, this is one of those times when you look at the screen and scoff.  "Obviously," you say, indignantly,...