Over the weekend, the leadership of the Texas House of Representatives once again thumbed their noses at taxpayers.
No issue unifies Texans like frustration with our burdensome – almost confiscatory – property tax system. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and the Texas Senate concurred with that notion, and earlier in the session passed a comprehensive reform measure designed to put voters in charge of property taxes.
On Saturday, the Democrat-backed “Republican” leadership in the Texas House took what was already a watered down version of that Senate measure and turned it into little more than an expanded posting requirement before local governments raise your taxes. The “big change” in the House bill was changing the name in law of the “effective rate” to the “no new tax taxes rate.”
Think that doesn’t mean anything or change the problem of local governments taxing you out of your home? You’re right.
The Texas House has been serving up nothingburgers all session, so it is no surprise that leadership would do the same on property tax reform.
Seems like Gov. Abbott is noticing. He told reporters in Houston on Sunday that the property tax reform bill needed to include changes that give voters more control over their tax burden.
If Abbott wants real reform, he can force the issue. He could – and should – call an immediate special session demanding genuine property tax reform.
If 2017 ends without significant property tax reform, the fault will rest with the Texas House leadership… and Greg Abbott.
Texas taxpayers want, and the Texas economy needs, property tax reform. It’s time they delivered.
Senators should oppose the House nothingburger that was tacked on to SB669. Then, call on Gov. Abbott to demand real reforms or force a special session to get it done.