School Bonds Fail as ‘Vote No’ Campaigns Succeed

School Bonds Fail as ‘Vote No’ Campaigns Succeed

Voters in Granbury and Big Spring Independent School Districts defeated school bonds on their May 4 ballots after local residents organized “Vote No” campaigns against the property tax-backed debt proposals. Granbury ISD’s single $161 million bond proposition ($315...
Father Seeks Legal Recompense For Aborted Child

Father Seeks Legal Recompense For Aborted Child

UPDATED: This article has been updated to include comment from John Seago. Collin Davis, the ex-boyfriend of an unnamed woman who fled to Colorado from Texas to abort their child, has turned to the courts for redress. After his ex-girlfriend reportedly traveled out of...
Harris County Jail Reprimanded by State

Harris County Jail Reprimanded by State

The Harris County Jail must further reduce its inmate population or rapidly expand the number of deputies it has working in the jail according to a new order from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. The Harris County Jail has been out of state compliance since...