Holly Hansen

Leander ISD: Profile of Misplaced Priorities

The current debate over state education funding is prompting many of us to take a closer look at the way local school districts are spending precious funds. One district in my own county gives particular cause for concern.

The Leander Indpendent School District has 30,321 students, but according to Texas Education Agency reports, the LISD property tax rate is among the highest in the state at $1.422.

Did Round Rock ISD Overcharge Taxpayers by $31 Million?

While RRISD Superintendent Jesus Chavez was drumming up hysteria over teacher layoffs should the state dare to cut the education budget, he revealed something rather surprising: his ISD has a Rainy Day Fund of nearly $200 million, $35 million of which is immediately available.

RRISD Needs a Coming to Jesus Moment

While Texas remains on top as the strongest economy nationwide, the state is feeling the effects of the recession. The Comptroller’s forecast indicates tax revenue will drop significantly in the next biennium, and most Republican state lawmakers are planning budget cuts rather than tax increases, saying there are “no sacred cows.”

Well, the cattle are lowing.

Freshman of the Year Awards: Everyone Gets an ‘A’

One of the most damaging educational theories to come out of ‘left field’ in recent decades was the Outcome-Based-Education model.   OBE is responsible for the deterioration of academic standards in our schools, or the ‘dumbing down’ of curriculum, so that all the children can feel good about themselves, since everyone gets a ‘happy face’


Maldonado Avoiding Debate

Apparently the Diana Maldonado campaign had to do some quick scrambling Wednesday in response to the revelation that the Democrat Representative has been avoiding traditional debate. Evidence indicates the campaign may have done some behind-the-scenes maneuvering,


Diana Maldonado: Hawk or a Handsaw?

On a recent campaign mailer, Representative Diana Maldonado included this 2008 quote from the Austin American Statesman: “Maldonado has a reputation as a budget hawk.” While I hardly think I need to go over the credibility problems inherent in a liberal town’s liberal newspaper praising a liberal candidate,