Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt has been active in Texas Republican politics since the Reagan re-elect in 1984. He has served as Lubbock County Republican chairman, and in 2006 founded the Pratt on Texas radio network, providing the news and commentary of Texas on both radio and podcast. Learn more at

Welfare processing: What the libs really want.

It’s not good enough to this Democrat administration that Texas administers generous welfare programs. No, Obama’s agriculture department is on the attack against Texas because we don’t put people on the food stamp dole fast enough.

Vehicle Miles Tax: Bad news for rural Americans

In an appearance in San Marcos Friday, former U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said that she favors a VMT, or vehicle miles tax to replace the gasoline tax. “The technology exists for it,” Peters said.

Is Marriage Only An Economic Circumstance?

Regarding the ruling by a Dallas judge that Texas’ definition of marriage is unconstitutional, a listener wrote, “I must say that civil unions between two consenting adults (male or female, whatever combination as long as the number is two) SHOULD be legal in Texas. That IS equal protection. Our country, Texas included, needs to get away from this “marriage” thing – that should be up to churches to decide, marriage is a religious thing. I thought we had separation of church and state?”

Prescription For Bailing Out Of The Race For Texas Governor

There are many who still believe U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison will again bailout of the race for Texas governor as she did four years ago. The question has been: How does she do so while saving face, or more importantly, while maintaining a big political ego?

Shapleigh: More Government To Fix Government

Texas Politics, from the Houston Chronicle, reported that ultra-lib state senator Eliot Shapleigh of El Paso has authored a paperback book in which he points out “what he sees as dire consequences facing Texans.”

Public Distrust Of Media Well Earned?

Two points on maintaining credibility with the public. First, let’s turn to Texas self-anointed conservative commentator Gary Polland of Houston.

Is Border Violence Important?


Is Border Violence Important?

Last week Governor Perry announced the deployment of special teams of Texas Rangers to our border with Mexico to deal with increasing violence. Perry said it was necessary, in part, because the federal government has failed to address growing problems there, the AP reported.

State Workers: Welcome To The Real World

State Workers: Welcome To The Real World

There was a big story this weekend in the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News about how food stamp applications are overwhelming state workers. The lead sentence claimed that state employees are “frustrated and stressed out with inadequate staffing.”

School Buildings A Study In Waste

There was a story last week in the state press about how school districts are now competing over who has the fanciest video scoreboards at athletic facilities. I know, we’re supposed to believe that public schools are really hurting for the money they need to provide such basics as teachers.

What Is It Texas Liberals Want? A Tyranny?

A group called Texans Care for Children is out with typical claims of how Texas children are suffering due to now high unemployment. (I seem to remember the same claim when Texas was at full employment the past few years in regard to CHIP.)