
Not Enough Fear
Not Enough Fear

Too many politicians have too little fear of their voters and taxpayers. Instead, they fear the bureaucrats, the lobbyists, and their colleagues. That must change.


Outnumbered, Outgunned, Out-trained?

While a strong leader—a ruler, a king, a dictator—might allow his subjects varying degrees of freedom, only a self-governing people can truly have liberty.

The Church, Silenced

When shepherds cower in fear from the howl of government wolves, they shouldn’t be surprised to find their flock in decline.


Putting Texas Veterans Back to Work

A new study from the United States Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate in 2009 for young returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan rose to 21.9%, far higher than the national unemployment rate for non-veterans in the same age group of 18 to 24. Many factors contribute to that higher jobless rate for our veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars.

What The Left Won’t Recognize

An editorial from the Austin American-Statesman, posits the idea that we should pay children a wage to study for school. The proponent of this idea is one Bruce Todd, a former mayor of Austin, who is running a project called the Tuition Incentive Program.

Our Resignation of Dependence

In American history and government classes across this country, we still teach our children that our founding fathers demonstrated genius both in articulating the inalienable rights belonging to each person in our Declaration of Independence, and then in preserving those rights in our Constitution.

Defending Us

Rockets’ red glare, bombs bursting in air – such a poetic way to describe such horrifying circumstances. Most of us sing those words and wave our flags, awaiting the start of a parade or baseball game. But many who walk in our midst wear – or wore – the flag of our nation on their sleeve, dodging bullets, separated from family, facing death, in defense of our liberties. Please take time this holiday weekend to thank the men and women in your circle of friends who bravely donned our nation’s uniform to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Memorial Day

Thousands of patriots in countless battles willingly gave their lives for the cause of liberty and the defense of our Constitution. While our rights to life and liberty are endowed by God, securing them has fallen to men called into battle against forces intent on destroying the glorious American experiment. We live today in the liberty their ultimate sacrifice yesterday made possible; we sleep easily under the protection of men and women willing to lay down their lives for liberty tomorrow. Let us endeavor to make the very most of their sacrifice.

Boycotting Left-Bucks

Apparently it’s okay to charge $4 for a mediocre cup of coffee, but the very free market system that allows it cannot be discussed or praised. David Boaz of the Cato Institute, writing in the Wall Street Journal, notes that Starbucks will let you personalize a gift card (for $5) with any phrase… But should a phrase have a hint of right-leaning politics, they grind it up.

Continuing to Empower Texans!

Tonight, Empower Texans hosted a great conference call for conservatives with numerous conservatives joining in to remind others that each election is an opportunity to gain ground. If it is one inch, one foot or one mile we have the opportunity to take ground back that we relinquished in previous elections by staying away from the polls “in disgust”.

Buckley’s Passing Should Serve as a Reminder for Conservatives

Buckley’s Passing Should Serve as a Reminder for Conservatives

by Michele J. Samuelson

George Will once said that without the National Review, we wouldn’t have gotten Goldwater, and without Goldwater, Reagan. If you’ve been involved in the conservative movement for even just a short time, you’ve felt that influence whether aware of it or not.

William F. Buckley Jr. – RIP

We have lost one of the most eloquent defenders of the conservative movement and the cause of liberty. William F. Buckley Jr., founder of National Review, died last night at his home in Stamford, Connecticut. May he rest in peace.