
Hopper: Left-Wing Agenda Has Infiltrated the Texas State Guard
Hopper: Left-Wing Agenda Has Infiltrated the Texas State Guard

“Ultimately, what I witnessed on May 22 was a case of leadership boldly weaponizing the chain of command to indoctrinate a left-wing political agenda of cultural Marxism, critical race theory, and moral relativism upon military forces of the State of Texas.”

No Greater Love …
No Greater Love …

We have allowed Memorial Day to devolve into a long weekend of mattress sales and cook-outs.

Responding to Lackluster Effort
Responding to Lackluster Effort

Incumbents pretend voters’ only option is to replace bad Republicans with worse Democrats, but that isn’t the only choice.


Woke Versus Winning

Donald Trump has kept faith with America. Look at the real results, and ignore the whining of “woke” pastors.

Lying With Facts?

Telling the truth requires that facts be offered in context, especially when it is inconvenient.

Ellis: The Trafalgar Effect

Routinely, Trafalgar’s data shows President Trump in better position than most pollsters because they attempt to quantify what is termed the “shy Trump voter.”

Outnumbered, Outgunned, Out-trained?

While a strong leader—a ruler, a king, a dictator—might allow his subjects varying degrees of freedom, only a self-governing people can truly have liberty.


Grassroots Texas Voting 101

Grassroots Texas Voting 101

This is a commentary submitted and published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to the Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to

Clean Power Plan

Clean Power Plan

This is a commentary submitted and published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to the Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to

Rube Goldberg Government

Rube Goldberg Government

Rube Goldberg is one of the only people in human history to have the rare distinction of his name being an...

Protecting the ESF as an Endowment

Protecting the ESF as an Endowment

“… we must have a strong ESF. Drawing down billions from the ESF weakens Texas’ financial health, hurts our credit, and drains our flexibility.”

Tweet-less (updated)

Tweet-less (updated)

Without warning or notification, social media mini-blog site Twitter on Monday simultaneously “suspended” the main Empower Texans feed along with the personal accounts of all staff.