The act was sponsored by U.S. Rep. August Pfluger and co-sponsored by three other Texas representatives.
Texas Congressman Proposes American Pride Month
U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt submitted a resolution to celebrate July as American Pride month.
US Supreme Court Rules Against Race-based Admissions Practices
The ruling will require the ending of affirmative action at the University of Texas.
Will Hurd Wants to Focus on the Northern Border
The presidential candidate visited the Canadian border, saying it’s not getting the attention it deserves.
Ron DeSantis Unveils Border Policy: ‘Use Force to Repel’ Criminal Illegal Aliens
While campaigning in Eagle Pass, DeSantis said he believes “Texas has a right to declare an invasion.”
Federal Elections Commissioner Explains How 2020 Election Was Stolen
“I think that there are fundamental problems with our voting systems.”
Mexican Military Arms Narco-Terrorists
Leaked Mexico Secretary of National Defense documents uncovers disturbing military corruption.
Biden Asks Federal Employees to Clean up After Illegal Aliens
“If there wasn’t a crisis, why would they be advertising for services like this? This administration refuses to define the problem.”
Documentary Reveals Shocking Flaws of the US Power Grid
“As many as 90 percent of Americans could die.”
Biden Sets Aside Nearly 1 Million Acres for New Offshore Wind Farms
The California plan is in addition to a proposal to build a 500,000 wind farm off the Galveston coast.
‘PR Stunt’: US Department of Homeland Security to Deport Venezuelans
“A tiny step forward for border security.”
Texas AG Ken Paxton Secures Victory for Children’s Safety
“It is time for the Biden administration to quit forcing their political agenda. This is about the safety of children. It is time to put their well-being first.”
Ken Paxton Joins Other AGs in Defending Second Amendment
“As our respective States’ chief legal officers, we are tasked with protecting the constitutional rights of our citizens.”
Federal Appeals Court Rules Obama-era Amnesty Program Is Illegal
“Huge victory for the Rule of Law in America!”
National Guard Forced to Vaccinate While Illegal Aliens Are Given a Pass
“This is a disgrace to our soldiers.”
Cornyn: Make a Deal with Democrats and Give Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants
Cornyn’s efforts would result in amnesty for 124,000 illegal immigrants in Texas alone.
Democratic Enthusiasm: Overblown?
The numbers suggest that Democrats would have a strong election if voting were today.
Another One
The Farenthold departure means there are now 42 open or vacant seats in the House for the subsequent election, 28 of which are Republican held.
Does Culberson Care Enough To Do His Job?
Texas’ John Culberson could cut off funding for the salaries of rogue FBI agents using the newly reinstituted Holman Rule. Why is he being silent?
Farenthold Is Out
Under pressure from GOP leadership in DC, the Corpus Christi congressman is latest to resign.
Hillary Clinton Supporter Launches GOP Congressional Bid
Just a year ago, Jennifer Sarver asked fellow Republicans to ditch Donald Trump and support the Democrat for president.
Report Alleges Blake Farenthold Settled Sexual Harassment Suit with Taxpayer Dollars
After Politico published its report Friday, Farenthold said in a statement that federal law prevents him from either confirming or denying the allegations.
Barton Retirement Creates Opening In CD6
Tarrant County Tax Assessor Ron Wright has announced he would enter the newly open Republican primary.
Joe Barton (Finally) Calls It Quits
Announcement comes after conservatives pressured him to leave office.
O’Hare to Barton: ‘Retire from Congress’
Tarrant County GOP chairman says US Rep. Joe Barton should retire from office “by the end of this year.”