


No Principles, Good At Any Price

In the race for House District 61, former Weatherford mayor Joe Tison told the Fort Worth Star Telegram today that “he would consider changing his position on any issue if he believed that a majority of his constituents felt differently.“ In short, Joe Tison believes in nothing. He’ll say or do anything to get elected.

An Endorsement That Wasn’t

Politicians are very careful about who and how they endorse, and how and who they don’t. But apparently incumbent State Rep. Jerry Madden of Plano has been playing fast and loose with his endorsement list… And Attorney General Greg Abbott is rightly unamused.

Stafford’s Stink

When liberal editorial page editors make endorsements, particularly in a Republican Primary, one has to expect to wear waders and a nose clip. But the Dallas Morning News’ endorsement of Charles Stafford of Denton reeks of bad ideas that he apparently stunk up all by himself.

Haggerty the Benevolent

Nothing’s quite so distasteful in our democratic republic as an autocratic politician who demands that his every word and action be seen as benevolent kindness by those over whom he rules, er, represents. Such is the case with El Paso’s Pat Haggerty.

Vote on Whether Dallas Taxpayer Dollars Should Pay for Hotel

The Dallas City Council voted on February 13 to enter into a lease-purchase agreement under which taxpayer dollars would subsidize a convention center hotel. The Dallas Business Journal has an online poll in which you can vote on whether this is an appropriate use of taxpayer money.

Can’t Count on Administrators

I had begun to feel a great sense of pride in my hometown over the last several months.  It seemed that Wimberley ISD – where I graduated High School in 2005 – was poised to do something I would never expect a bunch of educrats to do; stand up for taxpayers. 

Happiness Is Lubbock, Texas…

The old rock-country hit "Happiness is Lubbock, Texas, in My Rearview Mirror" had a tender, sappy-sweet quality to it. But sitting in the Lubbock airport after a great day visiting with our supporters and friends here in the Panhandle, we’re happy to report that Lubbock is just, generally, a great place to be. We’re sorry the Southwest flight is coming so quickly.