


Health Care Common Sense

Health Care Common Sense

Health Care Compact legislation championed by Rep. Lois Kolkhorst and Sen. Jane Nelson has been called many things, but perhaps the best way to describe the Compact is the difference between the one-size-fits-all approach to health care policy of the Federal Government and the states’ need for health care solutions that are tailored for them that actually work.

Currently Correct, But Giving Us Policy Whiplash

They were against it before they were for it before they were against it… Sometimes legislators votes are enough to give constituents a case of public policy whiplash. Such is the case with State Reps. Vicki Truitt (R-Southlake) and Larry Gonzales (R-Round Rock).

Rainy Day Re-Do

Remember those Republicans that voted against protecting the Rainy Day Fund a week ago? You can now add Reps. Larry Gonzales (R-Round Rock) and Vicki Truitt (R-Southlake) to the list.

Self Congratulations, Paid For By Lobbyists

When it comes to defending the higher-ed status quo, few have done it better than State Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo). So, she’s throwing a “Statewide Salute”… to herself.

Rainy Day Republicans

Despite garnering 79 votes to eliminate a provision that would automatically spend money from the state’s Rainy Day Fund in the future, State Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) was unable to eliminate this reckless addition to SB2.

RDF Double-Cross

Today, the Texas House added a provision to the must-pass “Fiscal Matters” bill that would automatically withdraw money from the Rainy Day Fund as new dollars become available.

Spending Reform in the Special Session

This special session of the Texas legislature provides opportunities for commonsense spending reforms that were shunned during the regular session. State Rep. Kelly Hancock (R – Fort Worth) plans to offer an amendment to SB1 that would improve the state’s spending cap.

Educational Efficiency Through Transparency

For government, transparency is an effective path to efficiency – especially when said transparency involves detailing how government is spending your money. That’s why State Rep Bill Zedler has filed legislation this special session to compel Texas school districts to post key financial information online.

Good Policy Promotes Prosperity

There is a direct connection between public policy and the opportunity for general prosperity. Where government suppresses entrepreneurship, stifles innovation and burdens the people with high taxes, prosperity dies. According to the president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, Texas’ economic success proves how important public policy really is.

Why Are We Still Subsidizing The Film Industry?

Despite cutting spending, not raising taxes, and preserving the Rainy Day Fund, there were many areas of the state’s new budget that should have been improved – or eliminated – like film industry subsidies that fail to live up to their promises.