
Y’All Answered: Voted Early?
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Train Up Your Child…
Modern education is designed to produce serfs, not champions of liberty.

Y’All Answered: Should Lawmakers Profit Off State Contracts?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
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Commentary, Federal, Uncategorized
Commentary: Obamacare Ruling a Victory for the Rule of Law
The federal judge in Fort Worth who recently entered final judgment finding the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional now paves the way for the case to move to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. And as the attorney who argued the case on behalf of the individual...
Commentary: What To Expect
We kick off a new calendar and political year looking at several anticipated happenings. On the presidential front, we can expect several candidate announcements coming in January, along with a changing primary/caucus schedule. Additionally, some close losing...
Socialists Love (Your) Misery
When it comes to human misery, no system of government or philosophy has produced more than socialism. Rather than being a bug in specific applications of socialism, misery is a feature of socialism that its adherents — and even critics — try to shrug off as the...
Commentary: The Pending Demise of Obamacare
In February, the Texas Public Policy Foundation and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed suit in conjunction with 19 other states in federal court to bring an end to the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare. The suit was filed four months after the...
Accountability, Not Boards
Since when did passing the buck equate to holding people accountable? This is the question I’d like to pose to Fort Worth’s Race and Culture Task Force. In response to last year’s arrest of Jacqueline Craig that stoked racial tensions, the city put together a task...
Let’s Talk About College Campuses
The right and the left on American college campuses are talking past each other. This issue showed up again in a recent Daily Texan article that presents varying perspectives on the activities Young Conservatives of Texas conduct on UT’s campus. The article does a...
Smoke-Filled Executive Sessions
Where are decisions really made that impact our city? Under whose influence? Naturally, responsible city council members research agenda items beforehand to inform themselves, and we expect this. However, where are these items deliberated? All too often, in closed...
Houston Wants to Ban Astros Players from Dipping
In a time when Houston’s administration is embroiled in passionate debates over fire fighter pay and is facing billions in unfunded healthcare liabilities, it’s refreshing to see the city council focusing on the core issue of whether the Astros should be allowed to...
Pre-Existing Conditions: Fix Them or Eliminate Them Altogether?
According to a poll of voters, healthcare was the most important issue in the 2018 midterm election cycle. Understandably, the crown jewel of political debate during the campaigns was the aspect of the Affordable Healthcare Act that protects consumers from limitations...