
Commentary, Life, Texas Scorecard Podcasts
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Commentary, Life, Texas Scorecard Podcasts
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Commentary Archive
Shining the Light of Liberty
Tonight we had the honor of gathering with hundreds of men & women from across the Great State of Texas at the 2018 Conservative Leaders Gala. Tomorrow morning we’ll tell you about over a dozen Conservative Leaders who were awarded this year, but first...the woman...
Empowering Parents Against Unwarranted Government Intrusion
Child Protective Services touches tens of thousands of Texas families every year in one way or another. Stories abound about children who were in dangerous situations and needed help, but the system refused to remove them. There are many other stories about families...
Toll Taxes Taking a Toll
Many Texans are faced with paying an extra, burdensome toll tax on driving just to get to work or travel across the Lone Star State. Drivers are shocked to find tolls that exceed $1 per mile during rush hour, costing hundreds of dollars a month and thousands per year...
Republicans Can Stop the Democrat Invasion
With the election of State Rep. Dennis Bonnen (R–Angleton) to the Texas House speakership apparently secured, the Republican majority should now be able to pass the kind of tangible legislative results that will excite voters in 2020 against a projected Democrat...
Give Thanks
We think we know the story of Thanksgiving: the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, faced a harsh winter, famine and disease, and then only with the help of friendly natives learned how to survive. It’s nice for bedtime stories, and feel-good paintings, but it ignores...
Weighing RPT Chairman Compensation
The last few months have been riddled with discussion, debate, and even some heated arguments pertaining to the issue of our Republican Party of Texas chairman receiving some sort of compensation for his service to the party. Providing the means for our chairman to...
Death by 2,677 Cuts
The November 2018 midterm elections delivered some shocking blows to several Hays County Republican candidates. While many were surprised with the key losses in several important races, the results weren’t a shock to conservative activists who had, for quite some...
Why Can’t I Adequately Defend Myself?
Texas is supposed to be one of the hubs of freedom in the nation, an example for the rest of the United States — yet discrepancies make it difficult for certain adults to lawfully defend themselves. In Texas, citizens are unable to get their license to carry a handgun...
‘Montgomery County Model’ Delivers Massive GOP Turnout
One of the major themes of the 2018 midterm election was that Democrats tended to perform better in suburban counties and districts than they have in the past. However, there was one suburban Texas county that bucked that trend and proved to be a...