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Commentary Archive

School Districts Should Stop Charging Students for Parking

Across America, school is back in full swing, and with it comes a new wave of young drivers. But where you and I see burgeoning adults, local school bureaucrats see piggy banks. At many public high schools, students are charged fees to park their cars in the school...

The Swamp in Our Own Backyards

Before my eyes were opened in 2017, I thought the so-called “swamp” was in Washington, D.C. and perhaps a little in Austin. I now realize the swamp starts in our backyards. Until last year, my wife and I were like most people when it comes to school district issues....

Mitchell: Jimmy Blacklock Has Earned Your Vote

Few issues are more important in American politics than the selection of our judges. We live in a time in which judges assert far-reaching powers to thwart legislation enacted by our elected officials—and they often do so without any textual warrant in the...

HISD Is Beyond Self-Repair; It’s Time for Intervention

At the Houston Independent School District’s first “official” board meeting since a complete and utter breakdown of board decorum, trustees were able to keep it together long enough to appease cameras, staff, and the few parents who packed the boardroom. Despite the...

Pulliam: I Endorse Jeff Brown

Properly functioning courts are an essential element of a free society governed by the rule of law. A sound judiciary requires judges who honestly and impartially apply the law, as written. Texans are fortunate to have an excellent state Supreme Court—the best in the...

Why I Support Van Taylor

Having served as a Marine Corps officer in Iraq and a staunch conservative in the Texas Legislature for eight years, State Sen. Van Taylor has proven false the mantra preached by establishment Republicans­—that, in order to govern, Republicans must abandon...

It’s Time to End Amarillo’s Tax-Funded Lobbying

With financial concerns evident for many municipal departments, there is simply no good excuse for the City of Amarillo to continue expending taxpayer dollars to lobby to the Texas Legislature. Last week, during the Amarillo City Council’s regular meeting, city...