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Commentary Archive

Emmett Puts Personality Above Principle in Collier Endorsement

These ten simple words mean little individually, but collectively sent shockwaves around Harris County’s conservative circles: “He’s voting for Democratic candidate Mike Collier for lieutenant governor.” In black and white in the Houston Chronicle endorsement for...

Commentary: Mike Toth for Texas Third Court of Appeals

I first met Mike Toth in December 2017 when I interviewed him as a candidate for Texas Third Court of Appeals.  This high-profile court adjudicates civil and criminal appellate cases from lower courts in 24 Austin-area and Central Texas counties. Mike showed...

Fake Republicans Are What’s Wrong With the GOP

Republicans who pretend to embody conservative values on the campaign trail — while helping liberal Democrats defeat conservatives — are hurting the Republican Party. There’s a big difference between Republicans having a “big tent” philosophy, and outright switching...

The Lone Star States

Sitting at this coffee shop in Jerusalem’s Old City, I am struck more by the similarities of the people passing by than the differences. I watched as an old man—probably Muslim, given the quarter of the Old City I am in—tended the racks of knickknacks outside his...

National Media Blames Texas Press For O’Rourke Love Affair

As his political fortunes appear destined to follow those of two decades worth of Texas Democrats before him, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is losing the affection of his fawning admirers in the national mainstream media. In past years, the national press just moved...

The Beto Barometer

On September 21, Democrat Congressman Beto O’Rourke and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz met for the first of three debates in their prominent race for the US Senate. Both delivered predictable talking points, but little did each candidate know the debate would reveal the...

Citizens Should Demand Real Results on Reforms

Earlier this month we began laying out a few factors citizens (and their representatives) should use to judge candidates seeking election as the next Texas House Speaker. Among the three criteria is a requirement that the individual win the support of a majority of...

Voters Can Bring Back Affordable Water

Never heard of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District? Your water bill has. The subject of this report, the LSGCD, controls the sources and supplies of water here and parcels it out to monopolistic entities throughout Montgomery County. The San...