
Commentary, Life, Texas Scorecard Podcasts
The Responsibility of Knowledge
Chorazin had a spectacular view of the Sea of Galilee, but an even better view of history of history in the making. They squandered both.

Analysis: Is Phelan Toxic for House Members?
Phelan’s popularity will be tested in 16 districts where he has directly contributed cash to Republican members of the Texas House being challenged in their primaries.

Y’All Answered: What Do You Call The Border-Crossers?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
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Commentary Archive
The Trump Ten
There has already been a great deal of talk about the difficult campaign road ahead that Democrats face in 2018. With having to defend 25 of 34 states in next year’s election, the minority party finds itself being forced to play defense in what should be a very...
TPWD is Needlessly Killing Deer, Small Businesses
Just as Obamacare is to Health Care, and Dodd-Frank is to the financial industry, the Texas Parks & Wildlife is to Deer Breeders. The state agency is needlessly killing wildlife, jobs, and hurting small businesses all as the result of a rare disease in deer that...
Use Social Media to increase Attendance at Property Tax Hearings
Prior to social media, it was difficult for citizens to put forth opposing views to a tax increase unless traditional media was willing to “speak out” against the entity. However, with social media, we have a voice and we need to learn how to use it effectively. We...
Sparks fly as senators discover numerous toll roads with no debt on them, prompts call to remove tolls
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) dropped a bombshell at a recent Senate Transportation Committee meeting during the hearing on its interim study on the elimination of toll roads. As TxDOT Executive Director James Bass laid out the numbers of how much it...
Public Schools Are De-Emphasizing Academic Knowledge
Richardson ISD adopted its version of the 2008 TASA vision in 2010. It is called RISD Vision 2020. RISD hired a consultant to flesh out Vision 2020's details. The consultant's report was titled “The 10 Critical Qualities of Student Work”. One only needs to know a part...
Local School Boards Do Not Represent the Communities They are Elected to Represent
Local school boards seldom represent the community that elected them to serve. Rather, they get their direction from policies created by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), and the state's...
A Representative Form of Government
“No taxation without Representation.” This was the rallying cry that precipitated the American Revolution against an English King who felt he could tax his subjects with impunity. The founding fathers were keenly aware of this problem and were very careful to take...
Are public schools becoming biggest school choice advocates?
An irony that has emerged is that it might be public schools who turn out to be the biggest advocates for school choice. Now, that wouldn't happen on purpose, but it would come as a reaction to multiple foolish and poor decisions on the part of public school...
Public Schools are not Teaching America’s Heritage
I am confident that if socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders had brought his campaign entourage to Texas' larger college campuses, he would have drawn 10,000 enthusiastic supporters at each rally. How could this happen in the reddest of red states? Where...